A Different World

The world a little over a year ago has changed into something most of us don’t recognize anymore. Most of us are struggling with finding a new way to live in this new norm and it’s not easy but I believe people are resilient.
New Years Eve I was in NYC in Times Square with the K9 Units. It wasn’t joyful like last year but completely surreal. People came to kiss 2020 behind as worldwide we all got battered in one form or another. I needed to be there as 2020 was a year of great losses of far too many people and I wanted to be around people I hold great respect for, the K9 units that have served my beloved city.
Three months later I was in our once vibrant city of New York and the streets were devoid businesses and the bustling crowds that I used to love walking through.Gone is the sea of color walking together so tightly together that a the colors danced before ones eyes much like a painting. This week mask after mask walked past me, each persons eyes looking into those who passed them and an twice

their hand held a leash that led to their partner- their dog as walked though midtown.
With a camera under my jacket I looked for dogs to photograph but saw only two before meeting up some K9 officers.
On the calendar we have a few events written in. The Putnam Kennel Club, a hunting trail, a farm dog trial and hopefully a few other shows but now I go to events to photograph whats truly outside the ring and it’s good enough for now. We all know it’s so different. Between social distancing, hand sanitizer and of course wearing a mask every single time we step out the door we are used to it. We do it because we want to get back to something that feels remotely normal even if the mask feels surreal as heck.
Our dogs have gotten us though this and will continue to prove they are a far larger part of our lives than we ever thought.
For now I keep my dogs close to me every minute I’m home, where two old leashes sit on the door handle waiting. They never fail to know which leash is their own even though they look alike. Our great adventure meets us between here and the 10 mile drive to them.
My once quietly out perfect setting for a two hour walk is now filled with many new families that have left the city to wider more open spaces. It feels so good to see families out walking together and. It’s not a city street but a wide open rolling grassy spaces where when we pass each other we all greet each other with a smile that shows from their eyes while they get pulled by happy dogs ready to smell each and everything in front of them. A new day and we’re all going to be okay.

We can get through this.