Meet the Breeds in New York City

A shaggy brown briard dog sitting on a concrete floor at a dog show, with people in the background.

Meet The Breeds Westminster Kennel Club I wasn’t expecting to be going into the city this year for anything as I have been recuperating from a major surgery twelve days earlier. The day before I got medical clearance to be present for a three days of dogs. These images were joyful to take as I…

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Closer to home.

I have been itching to get out and hold a camera this year but have held back because of doctors orders. This morning I just couldn’t stand it any longer and pulled two cameras out and went to photograph my favorite parts of the reservoirs that are just down the road from me. This little…

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A police officer in uniform, with a badge and name tag visible, patting a german shepherd police dog beside a patrol car.

At the moment I’m working on two different magazines that will be released around the same time. This wasn’t planned but a simple remark made by one person-  and viewing the chosen images changed the direction of how our first magazines will be released. This past year each and every image taken was carefully scrutinized…

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The Blessing of the Animals

Two police officers, one male and one female, stand beside two police dogs in front of a brick building.

Tis the season for love, compassion, giving, and the Blessing of the Animals at Christ Church in New York City. Last night a friend pointed out that a few K-9s units would be present for a blessing of the Animals at Christ Church and perhaps it would be an appropriate way to end the year.…

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Grand Central Terminal in New York City

A black dog sits attentively next to a person wearing gray trousers and black shoes in a building with marble floors.

I’m always watching out for dogs to photograph and the people who take care of them. This past year the dogs all seem to pop up wherever I turn and today was no different. Meet K-9 Ria who works for the New York State Troopers. She’s one and a half years old and loves her…

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Sunday in Putnam County New York

This weekend I was suppose to be in Philadelphia photographing the National Dog Show but decided to stick close to home as appointments and deadlines just have to be taken care of. Today I went out to photograph three different K-9s teams. One is K-9 Charlie of the Peekskill, New York with his handler and…

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The Artistry of Giedre Maybe.

A detailed miniature painting of a dog with a bird in its mouth, encased in a round, textured frame, held by a hand against a green leafy background.

There are very few people I refer to as masters at what they do – but the first time I saw these little jewels – my heart skipped a beat and I had to know more. I am asking all of our friends to take a look at these gorgeous pieces of art and tell…

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