Posts by Daily Dog Devotional
Eight days of dogs….
Started with K9 and from there showed my first dog. Was I nervous? Yes. Later in the day went into the city to rat hunt- rushed home for a few hours sleep before meet a friend to watch her dog compete in the worlds greatest dog show. It’s always great to be ringside to cheer…
Read MoreAmerican Working Terrier Association, Earthdog Den Trial, Mt. Laurel, New Jersey Ev-Ry Earthdog
Mid-Hudson Kennel Association
Mid-Hudson Kennel Association Saugerties, New York May 1st 2021 Was a perfect day- even with the masks and social distancing.
Read MoreMorning Walk
Never expecting art to unfold on a morning walk but it did. This series of photographs were completely unexpected. Nabbed him and asked my friend if we could use the dog in the pictures ( Oh yes!!!) All I kept saying was beautiful… it was all so beautiful yesterday from start to finish. Love the…
Read MoreWalkway Over the Hudson State Historic Park and some…
I went to meet my friend Ally Moore for a walk on the Walkway Over the Hudson State Historic Park. While walking a lot of magic happened. Sometimes when we don’t have any expectations the most unusual things just seem to happen. Today was one of those days… All pictures have been taken by and…
Read MoreBig Apple Working Group Club, Frenchtown, New Jersey
When it’s done right it can be done. Masks, distancing and santizer and lots of open air and space. No vendors, people using the backs of their cars to groom from with tables set next to the boot of their cars. Small tables and chairs and their own food. Mask wearing as much as none…
Read MoreMonticelllo NY Kennel Club, Cabin Fever Shows
A cold day today but nearly a year ago to the day I was at this show which turned out to be the last show of 2020 before the world lock down. It’s very different now but one thing remained the same and that’s how we love our dogs. The shows may be different but…
Read MoreA Different World
The world a little over a year ago has changed into something most of us don’t recognize anymore. Most of us are struggling with finding a new way to live in this new norm and it’s not easy but I believe people are resilient. New Years Eve I was in NYC in Times Square with…
Read MoreWhole Wheat Weekend…
WHY??? The Wheaten Terrier is a joyful breed, full of energy and never ever surprises. Image taken by @MichalKov2021
Read MoreThe Nine Historical Breeds of Ireland
We never figured we would get this booklet done for March – we had hoped it would have been done about 5 months ago. With so many delays it worked out the way it did- arriving before March 1st and making it truly a magazine about the historical breeds of Ireland. Anyone interested in a…
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