The Blessing of the Animals

Tis the season for love, compassion, giving, and the Blessing of the Animals at Christ Church in New York City. Last night a friend pointed out that a few K-9s units would be present for a blessing of the Animals at Christ Church and perhaps it would be an appropriate way to end the year. I couldn’t agree more.
Coming up Park Avenue to 60th Street I could see one lady standing on the steps of Christ Church with a giant Neapolitan Mastiff called Ghost. In the blink of an eye I knew my day was going to be perfect. As many of our readers know my love of this breed is so great -this breed is placed with honor on our first edition of our magazine. Seeing this gentle giant standing outside the church I knew this day could only get better.
There will never be anything better in this world than dogs. Todays Blessing of the Animals brought a procession of a few hundred dogs, cats, rabbits, llama, lizards, a pig , and goats to the alter to be given Gods blessing.
In a prayer to St. Francis for all Created Things . God created us and placed us on the earth to be stewards of all living things. Today anyone who was present got to witness hundreds of the pets dressed for the occasion next to owners and that quietly observed the blessing before bringing their pets up to be blessed. These are pets that bring us comfort and companionship which we are all thankful for and deserving of a blessing.
This tenth year brought out the largest gathering of pets at Christ Church for The Blessing of the Animals.
Thank you to Cindy Adams, The New York Post and Christ Church for sponsoring this wonderful event.