Tompkins Square Halloween Dog Parade 2019
It’s a little under twenty four hours after covering the Tompkins Square Halloween Dog Parade and I’m feeling happily tired after photographing a perfect event in the world of dogs. Going through 1500 images late into the night (which 90% are perfect) is yet another affirmation of how devoted we are to our dogs. I’ve always felt dogs are the best companions around and yesterday I was in the company of more like minded people. On this rainy day- color filled this cocooned area with costumed dogs, their people and spectators holding colorful umbrellas. Everything seemed to dance and it felt like watching young children happily running into a candy shop and choosing whatever they liked best and some. Between the dogs and their people in these well thought out intricate costumes you could feel and see just how much love was invested in their beloved dogs. This jovial event was filled with a loving dog community and families of all ages partaking in this iconic New York tradition. Yesterday marked which is 29 years of this event and the crowds have grown with each passing year.
Spectators could be heard laughing with the participants while mingling and going from one dog to another taking pictures of their favorite dogs. Everyone had their cellphone cameras out photographing a large entry of mix breeds, rescue dogs and purebred dogs that were harmoniously cued up while waiting to take the stage for their chance to wow the judges to the applause of a cheering spectators.
At the end of the day we left to the sound of music playing in the bandshell as participants, spectators, and police could be seen dancing. It was a memorable day – even with the rain and we look forward to going back for the 30th Anniversary next year.
This is one of the top three events we choose to cover for Dogs Outside The Ring. When we go to events and hear laughter and see smiling faces when in the company of dogs we know it’s where we want to be. The Tompkins Square Halloween Dog Parade never fails to bring out the best in people all the time.
Thank you to all the organizers and sponsors who made this possible along with the NYPD for what they always do so well. It takes a community to make these incredible gatherings possible and once again they all made this happen.
Thank you to Jennifer-jo Moyer, Virginia Rodriguez and Stacie Joy. It was a lot of work for these women and the whole crew who made this wonderful event happen. I know I have missed many names but will add to this list tomorrow morning. Thanks again from Dogs Outside The Ring. All images have been taken by @M/Foxmoore for Dogs Outside The Ring2019 and are not for public sale, reproduction or altering in any form without permission.
Tompkins Square Halloween Dog Parade
Jennifer- jo Moyer you do have permission to use the image of your page.Tompkins Square