What happens when not looking.
Sometimes dogs come to us when we aren’t planning on them or looking for them. This little guy was posted on Facebook four years ago and within 20 hours he was flown into Newark, N.J. and then driven to Upstate New York to start a new life. He was all of 6 weeks old and a tiny little guy.
He never had any accidents in the house, is smarter than any dog ever seen, devoted, loving and funny as heck. He also has grand mal seizures which mightn’t have people taking him or otherwise putting him down – but not here. He takes medication and is a beloved part of a family.
As there was no real birthday for him – the vet said he was born roughly in mid to late August. With the help of a few friends he was given August 18th as his barkday which is today. His vet refers to him as the most rare Vegas Terrier – a crap shoot since no one knows what he really is. Does it really matter what he is? Nope! What he is is LOVED!
To the little Facebook dog from Las Vegas who changed minds and a world –
Happy Barkday to you the most rare and precious Vegas Terrier – Mister Jasper Grumbles!
From 911 702 Dogs Rescue in Las Vegas